Employee Resources

Vaccine Policy

As of 2023, The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC does not require its employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). However, The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC encourages all employees to get vaccinated to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.

The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC respects the decision of each employee regarding vaccination. Employees who choose to get vaccinated should provide The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC with proof of vaccination to be recorded in their personnel file.

The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC will continue to monitor and follow the guidance of public health authorities regarding vaccination and may revise this policy in the future as deemed necessary.

In the meantime, all employees must continue to follow The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC's COVID-19 safety protocols, including wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, and practicing good hand hygiene. Employees who have symptoms of COVID-19 or who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 should stay home and follow The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC's policies for reporting illness and returning to work.

The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC will continue to provide resources and information to its employees regarding COVID-19 vaccination, including local vaccination clinics and resources for scheduling vaccination appointments.


The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC encourages its employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 but does not require vaccination as of 2023. The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC will continue to follow the guidance of public health authorities regarding vaccination and may revise this policy in the future. In the meantime, all employees must continue to follow The Smith Sisters Cleaning Co., LLC's COVID-19 safety protocols and report any symptoms of illness or close contacts with individuals who have COVID-19.